
The beauty and fashion industry has fascinated me for decades. I love to test new make-up, hair and skincare products. I am a 58 plus year old woman who enjoys exploring and testing new products the beauty industry has to offer. I am constantly on the lookout for new and exciting product additions in skincare and beauty. After all, I have a particular interest in ageing gracefully. 😜 I have been trying to wage war against father-time by doing my own research and by trial and error using extraordinary products found in local department stores. While I have been incredibly blessed with clear skin (thanks to my parents :-)) , drooping eyelids and a saggy neck are both knocking on my door ;-).

To be completely transparent, I will certainly remain open to cosmetic surgery at some point in the future (my neck and eye lids will be the first). I intend to avoid cosmetic surgery for as long as possible for 2 reasons. 1) Past surgeries of any kind have resulted in overly sensitive scars each time I have had a procedure (total hip replacement, foot surgery and cholecystectomy). Its just the way my body heals. Incisional scars remain hypersensitive years after healing and I am terrified of dealing with that sensitivity on my face or neck area. 2) I suffer from a rare autoimmune disease that affects my vision. I am on weekly Humira injections to keep that disease under control. Elective surgeries require I stop Humira for 1 month. I am unwilling to risk losing my eyesight to simply ‘look better’. Until I get to the point where I could go off my Humira safely, then elective surgeries are off limits. Thus far, my eye surgeon has indicated the possibility to come off my Humira is not on the horizon until at least 2025 and only IF I have had my eye disease under control (in remission while on the drug) for 4 straight years.. Until then? Nope! I tried Botox once a few years ago but was not impressed enough to pay the cost to try it again. Maybe I will try it again at some point in the future, who knows. If I do?? I will certainly disclose it here online and open up whatever I do for discussion.

I would simply like to try to look my best, at any stage of my life. To me, a confident woman is a beautiful woman. She is ageless. She is timeless. Enduring classic style can be beautiful, comfortable and attainable as long as one knows where to search. As a result, this spot on the web will be dedicated to sharing products, reviews and ideas that hopefully inspire all women to be the most confident at any age.

Please feel free to say hello! I welcome getting to know and learn from you! ~ Christine ~